Gateway SDK

The wiotp.sdk.gateway package contains the following:

Two client implementations:

  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.GatewayClient
  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.ManagedGatewayClient

Support classes for working with the data model:

  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.Command
  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.Notification
  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.DeviceInfo
  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.DeviceFirmware

Support methods for handling device configuration:

  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.parseConfigFile
  • wiotp.sdk.gateway.parseEnvVars


Gateway configuration is passed to the client via the config parameter when you create the client instance. See the configure gateways section for full details of all available options, and the built-in support for YAML file and environment variable sourced configuration.

myConfig = { 
    "identity": {
        "orgId": "org1id",
        "typeId": "raspberry-pi-3"
        "deviceId": "00ef08ac05"
    "auth" {
        "token": "Ab$76s)asj8_s5"
client = wiotp.sdk.gateway.GatewayClient(config=myConfig)


connect() & disconnect() methods are used to manage the MQTT connection to IBM Watson IoT Platform that allows the gateway to handle commands and publish events.

Publishing Events

Events are the mechanism by which devices & gateway publish data to the Watson IoT Platform. The gateway controls the content of the event and assigns a name for each event that it sends.

Events can be published with any of the three quality of service (QoS) levels that are defined by the MQTT protocol. By default, events are published with a QoS level of 0.

publishEvent() takes up to 5 arguments and submits an event from the gateway itself:

  • eventId Name of this event
  • msgFormat Format of the data for this event
  • data Data for this event
  • qos MQTT quality of service level to use (0, 1, or 2)
  • onPublish A function that will be called when receipt of the publication is confirmed.

publishDeviceEvent() takes up to 7 arguments and submits an event from a device connected to the gateway, rather than the gateway itself:

  • typeId Type ID of the device connected to this gateway that the event belongs to
  • deviceId Device ID of the device connected to this gateway that the event belongs to
  • eventId Name of this event
  • msgFormat Format of the data for this event
  • data Data for this event
  • qos MQTT quality of service level to use (0, 1, or 2)
  • onPublish A function that will be called when receipt of the publication is confirmed.

Callback and QoS

The use of the optional onPublish function has different implications depending on the level of qos used to publish the event:

  • qos 0: the client has asynchronously begun to send the event
  • qos 1 and 2: the client has confirmation of delivery from the platform
def eventPublishCallback():
    print("Device Publish Event done!!!")

client.publishEvent(eventId="status", msgFormat="json", data=myData, qos=0, onPublish=eventPublishCallback)

Handling Commands

Unlike devices, When the gateway client connects, it does not automatically subscribes to any commands. To process specific commands, you need to explicitly subscribe as well as registering a command callback method.

The messages are returned as an instance of the Command class with the following attributes:

  • typeId: Identifies the typeId of the device the command is directed at
  • eventId: Identifies the deviceId of the device the command is directed at
  • commandId: Identifies the commandId
  • format: Format that the command was encoded in, for example json
  • data: Data for the payload converted to a Python dict by an impleentation of MessageCodec
  • timestamp: Date and time that the event was recieved (as datetime.datetime object)

If a command is recieved in an unknown format or if the gateway does not recognize the format, the gateway library raises wiotp.sdk.MissingMessageDecoderException.

Sample Code

import wiotp.sdk.gateway

def myCommandCallback(cmd):
    print("Command received for %s:%s: %s" % (cmd.typeId, cmd.deviceId,

# Configure
myConfig = wiotp.sdk.gateway.parseConfigFile("gateway.yaml")
client = wiotp.sdk.gateway.GatewayClient(config=myConfig, logHandlers=None)
client.commandCallback = myCommandCallback

# Connect

# Send data on behalf of the gateway itself
myData={'name' : 'foo', 'cpu' : 60, 'mem' : 50}
client.publishEvent(eventId="status", msgFormat="json", data=myData, qos=0, onPublish=None)

# Send data on behalf of a device connected to this gateway
aDeviceData={'name' : 'foo', 'cpu' : 60, 'mem' : 50}
client.publishEvent(eventId="status", msgFormat="json", data=aDeviceData, qos=0, onPublish=None)

# Disconnect