Registry - Devices


Every device in your organization is uniquely identifiable by the combination of it's typeId and deviceId. Two devices of different types can have the same deviceId. It helps to think of typeId as a model number and deviceId as a serial number. Two seperate types may independently have the same serial number pattern (e.g. simple sequential numbering), but because identity in WIoTP is a combination of typeId and deviceId this does not cause a clash.

Globally, your organization ID is applied to the deviceUID creating a globally unique identifier for every device connected to Watson IoT Platform.

  • typeId: myDeviceType
  • deviceId: myDevice
  • deviceUid: myDeviceType:myDevice
  • deviceGuid: myOrg:myDeviceType:myDevice

The wiotp.sdk.registry.devices.DeviceUID class provides a structure to encapsulate a device unique ID. You can use it interchangeably throughout the SDK with a simple Python dictionary. It's a code style choice.

from pprint import pprint
import wiotp.sdk.application
import wiotp.sdk.api.registry.devices.DeviceUid as DeviceUid

deviceIdAsClass = DeviceUid(typeId="myDeviceType", deviceId="myDevice")
deviceIdAsDict = {"typeId": "myDeviceType", "deviceId": "myDevice"}

# All three output "myDeviceType:myDevice"
print(deviceIdAsClass.typeId + ":" + deviceIdAsClass.deviceId)
print(deviceIdAsDict["typeId"] + ":" + deviceIdAsDict["deviceId"])

# Outputs {"typeId": "myDeviceType", "deviceId": "myDevice"}

# These two calls are identical, the same applies anywhere that a 
# deviceUid is needed, it is your choice which style you prefer 
# in your code.





wiotp.sdk.api.regsitry.devices.DeviceCreateRequest exists to aid in the registration of new devices. It's use is entirely optional, and you can use a standard python dictionary instead if you prefer. To create an instance of this class provide the following named parameters:

  • typeId Required
  • deviceId Required
  • authToken Optional, if you do not specify a token on creation one will be generated automatically for you. If you take a generated toekn, you must capture the token from the device registration response as it can not be retrieved later.
  • deviceInfo Optional. A python dictionary, or a DeviceInfo instance
  • location Optional
  • metadata Optional dictionary containing freeform metadata
import uuid
import wiotp.sdk.application
import wiotp.sdk.api.registry.devices.DeviceCreateRequest as DeviceCreateRequest
import wiotp.sdk.api.registry.devices.DeviceInfo as DeviceInfo

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

# Device registration using the helper classes
deviceToRegister1 = DeviceCreateRequest(
    deviceInfo=DeviceInfo(serialNumber="123", descriptiveLocation="Floor 3, Room 2")


# Device registration using simple Python dictionaries
deviceToRegister2 = {
    "typeId": "myDeviceType", 
    "deviceId": str(uuid.uuid4()), 
    "authToken": "NotVerySecretPassw0rd",
    "deviceInfo": {
        "serialNumber": "123", 
        "descriptiveLocation": "Floor 3, Room 2"


registry.devices.create() also allows you to pass a list of devices to perform bulk device registration.

import uuid
import wiotp.sdk.application
import wiotp.sdk.api.registry.devices.DeviceCreateRequest as DeviceCreateRequest

# Register 100 devices with random UUIDs as deviceIds
devicesToRegister = []
for i in range(100)
    dReq = DeviceCreateRequest(typeId="myDeviceType", deviceId=str(uuid.uuid4())

registrationResult = appClient.registry.devices.create(devicesToRegister)
