Usage & Metering

The usage.dataTransfer(start, end, detail) method allows you to retrieve data regarding the volume of data transfer to Watson IoT Platfrom in your organization.

Viewing Summary Data

By setting detail=False (or omitting the parameter entirely) the response will provide a month by month breakdown of your data transfer:

import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

dataTransfer = appClient.usage.dataTransfer( - timedelta(days=10),

print("Time period = %s to %s" % (dataTransfer.start.isoformat(), dataTransfer.end.isoformat()))
print("- Average usage = %s" % (dataTransfer.average))
print("- Total usage = %s" % (

Getting Detailed Breakdown of Data Transfer

In setting detail=True the response will additionally provide a day by day breakdown of data transfer.

import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

dataTransfer = appClient.usage.dataTransfer( - timedelta(days=10),, True)

print("Time period = %s to %s" % (dataTransfer.start.isoformat(), dataTransfer.end.isoformat()))
print("- Average usage = %s bytes" % (dataTransfer.average))
print("- Total usage = %s bytes" % (

for day in dataTransfer.days:
    print(" * Usage on %s = %s bytes" % (, )

Handling DataTransferSummary and DayDataTransfer data

The wiotp.sdk.api.usage.DataTransferSummary and wiotp.sdk.api.usage.DayDataTransfer classes provide an easy way to work with the data that is returned by the usage API. wiotp.sdk.api.usage.DataTransferSummary is the top level container and provides the following properties:

  • start The start date for the summary report (
  • end The end date for the summary report (
  • average The average usage across the summary period
  • total The total usage across the summary period
  • days If detail=True then this will be a list of DayDataTransfer objects

The wiotp.sdk.api.usage.DayDataTransfer allows you to work with the day by day breakdown of data usage, exposing the following properties:

  • date The day that usage is being reported for (
  • total The total usage on this day