Registry - Types

registry.devicetypes provides a dictionary-like interface to simplify working with device types in your application:

  • Get a device type: registry.devicetypes[typeId]
  • Iterate over all device types: for deviceType in registry.devicetypes
  • Delete a device type: del registry.devicetypes[typeId]
  • Check for the existence of a device type: if typeId in appClient.registry.devicetypes


wiotp.sdk.api.registry.types.DeviceType provides a number of properties and functions to simplify application development when working with device types:

  • id The ID for the device type
  • description The description string of the device type (None if no description is available)
  • classId Identifies the device type as either a normal or gateway class of device
  • metadata The metadata stored for the device type (None if no metadata is available)
  • json() Returns the underlying JSON response body obtained from the API


import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

typeId = "myDeviceType"

    deviceType = appClient.registry.devicetypes[typeId]
    print("- %s\n  :: %s" % (, deviceType.description))
except KeyError:
    Print("Device type does not exist")


import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

typeId = "myDeviceType"

# Check for the existence of a specific device type
if typeId in appClient.registry.devicetypes:
    print("Device type %s exists" % (typeId))

    # Delete the device type
    del appClient.registry.devicetypes[typeId]


import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

# Display all device types and their descriptions
for deviceType in appClient.registry.devicetypes:
    print("- %s\n  :: %s" % (, deviceType.description))


The registry.devicetypes.create(deviceType) method accepts a dictionary object containing the data for the device type to be created:

  • id Required.
  • description Optional description of the device type
  • metadata Optional freeform metadata about the device type
  • deviceInfo Optional structured metadata about the device type (see wiotp.sdk.api.registry.devices.DeviceInfo)
import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

typeId = "myDeviceType"

# Retrieve a devicetype from the registry, if the devicetype doesn't exist create it
deviceType = None
    deviceType = appClient.registry.devicetypes[typeId]
except KeyError as ke:
    print("Device Type %s did not exist, creating it now ..." % (typeId) )
    deviceType = appClient.registry.devicetypes.create({"typeId": typeId, "description": "I just created this using the WIoTP Python SDK"})



The registry.devicetypes.update(typeId, description, deviceInfo, metadata) method enabled updates to existing device types.

  • typeId indicates the device type to be updated
  • description, deviceInfo, & metadata provide the content for the update
import wiotp.sdk.application

options = wiotp.sdk.application.parseEnvVars()
appClient = wiotp.sdk.application.ApplicationClient(options)

typeId = "myDeviceType"

# Display the original data
deviceType = appClient.registry.devicetypes[typeId]
print("- %s\n  :: %s" % (, deviceType.description))

# Update the device type and capture the updated information
deviceType = appClient.registry.devicetypes.update(typeId, description="This is an updated description")
print("- %s\n  :: %s" % (, deviceType.description))